Vashon Pride 365

Vashon Pride Festival & Parade
BEING LGBTQ on Vashon Island
June 2019 – Sept 2021
Vashon Heratige Meseum

IN AND OUT: BEING LGBTQ on Vashon Island
Now accessible online at!
The IN AND OUT exhibit now is history. Except online.
And this website is available to see the exhibit and support the LGBTQ+ community on Vashon; we’re looking for volunteers to help keep it up. Check out the blog, the calendar, and other aspects of the wide-ranging site created by Kevin Rey and Peter Serko.
IN and OUT Garners Three Awards
The Vashon Heritage Museum’s exhibit — IN AND OUT: Being LGBTQ on Vashon Island — won three prestigious awards: one from the King County, one from Washington State, and one from a national organization. Exhibit co-curators Ellen Kritzman and Stephen Silha were planning to go to the annual meeting of the American Association of State and Local History (AASLH) in Little Rock, Arkansas to pick up its national leadership award on September 24. But the virus mutation is likely to change these plans.
Meanwhile, the Museum’s next exhibit – Natural Wonder: An Island Shaped by Water – is being mounted with planned opening October 1, the next First Friday.
Stay aware here and help us keep this website alive to serve the Island’s LGBTQ community!