OUT In Our Community

A current and historical look at LGBTQ folks on Vashon Island

Even though the LGBTQ community has a long history on Vashon, it is only in the last twenty years or so that being OUT in the community  became something more and more individuals felt comfortable with. 

Below are a few examples:


Scholarships for graduating seniors at Vashon Island High School is a long standing island tradition.  The Vashon Gay Pride Alliance (now Vashon Pride Alliance) has given scholarships since 1994.  Scholarship award criteria focussed on those students supportive of diversity and service to the community, not necessarily those identifying as LGBTQ, . 

  • 2018 Ray Lewis $1,500
  • 2017 Xavier Ajeto $1,200
  • 2016 Hannah Fellbaum $1,600
  • 2015 Emalia Hinden-Stevenson $1,700
  • 2014 Lauren Houston $1,500
  • 2013 Hailey Quackenbush $1,400
  • 2012 Kenese Parker $700 Sloane Ralston $ 700
  • 2011 Julia Hanowell $ 700
  • 2010 Amelia Garcia Cosgrove $ 500


Cleaning two miles of Vashon Highway twice a year enabled VGPA to have its name on a blue County sign, signaling to everyone that Vashon is a welcoming place. The cleanup crew got many high fives, and once picked up litter in Halloween costumes.

For several years the sign was constantly defaced, and steadfastly replaced by King County.


Among the very first fundraising auctions held on Vashon, VGPA fundraisers brought in over $100,000 that was then given back to community organizations in need, including Vashon Island Pet Protectors (VIPP), Island Manor (now Vashon Community Care) and others.  Straight and gay alike thronged the gayly decorated VFW Hall for the good food, good vibes, charitable intent, and colorful goods, many generously donated by Island businesses.